Tips on how to navigate your WordPress site – Website Design Wellington

Tips on how to navigate your WordPress site – Website Design Wellington

User experience plays a significant role in website design Wellington. A messy interface leads to a high bounce rate. Thus, you must have a well-structured navigation for your WordPress site and make it easier for your visitors to find the content they are looking for. By improving the navigation, you can increase traffic and find a way to rank your pages in SERP. Remember, great navigation will improve score for your SEO Auckland

  1. Stick with Simplicity 

The more you complicate your website design, the more it will affect the site navigation. For this, keep your website design Wellington simple to increase your chances of gaining more conversions. A simple design should not spend extra time searching for relevant content. They can quickly find options without any problem. A complex website may cause the users to leave the website. While choosing a WordPress theme for your site, choose a simple design and add elements and plugins to engage your website. 

  1. Optimize the Navbar of Your Website 

The navigation bar helps visitors find their pages of interest. It will keep the bar in front of visitors and lets you find the topics quickly. For this, you can use the mega menu option which shows content and links of various pages under a particular category. 

If your business caters to clothes, use the menu item products that allow visitors to see different types of products under the main category. A website design wellington should not allow the category menu items with the mega menu to be clickable, as it may lead to confusion. 

  1. Visual Hierarchy 

To make your navigation structure clear, you must use the visual hierarchy. Keep all the elements correct so that visitors do not feel the need to click on different options. A clear visual hierarchy makes it easy for your website visitors to find different sections and services. 

  1. Color Scheme and Organization 

The color scheme of the website lest you use the right colors. WordPress themes offer different color themes, but some of them are so flashy that they might confuse website visitors. Thus, you must use a color scheme with a good mix of colors and contrast. It should help your site visitors to see all the elements. Organize the navigation both from top to bottom and from left to right.  

  1. Include the Social Networking Buttons 

Social media marketing helps your visitors to find your social media posts or share your recent posts via adding different social media buttons on your website. The reach of social media will expand your brand to multiple levels. With this, you can share your content with users and grow your reach on the internet. It is an opportunity to build your brand as social media posts can reach a wider audience at a time. 


These navigation tips of top SEO Auckland companies help your website visitors find the right pages quickly. No one wants to go through different pages to find relevant content. Thus, make it easier for your visitors and enhance their experience. 

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